Multi Cylinder Engine Test Bed With Remote Control Manufacturer,Supplier and Exporter
Product Code : SEL-EAMM-11022
School Educational Instrument is a leading Multi Cylinder Engine Test Bed With Remote Control Manufacturer,suppliers and Exporter
Multi Cylinder Engine Test Bed With Remote Control
A comprehensive instrumentation package, data acquisition and computer control of facilities allows experimental analysis of engine performance parameters such as power, torque, speed and efficiency under various operating conditions, controlled and measured by a dynamometer and ancillary instrumentation. Multi-Cylinder Automotive Engine Test Bed has been developed to provide a facility for the practical demonstration of internal combustion engine technology. Display of all test parameters is via a remote PC screen, coolant & lubricant temperature is closed loop controlled to temperatures entered on the PC. A remote control console is provided to start/stop the engine with 10 turn potentiometers to control engine load & speed. Cussons offers two engine options that are sub-frame mounted to allow rapid engine changes. Coded engine connections ensure correct connection of services & instrumentation when the engine is changed.
Experimental Capability of Multi Cylinder Engine Test Bed With Remote Control:
• Measurement of maximum torque and maximum power allowing of full load power against speed curves to be plotted.
• Determination of brake mean effective pressures.
• Analysis of part load torque, speed characteristics.
• Analysis of load characteristics at constant speed.
• Determination of volumetric efficiency.
• Determination air-to-fuel ratio.
• Determination of brake thermal efficiencies.
We are leading manufacturers, suppliers of Multi Cylinder Engine Test Bed With Remote Control for Engines and Machines Models. Contact us to get high quality Multi Cylinder Engine Test Bed With Remote Control for Engines and Machines Models for schools, colleges, universities, research labs, laboratories and various industries.